Fall/Winter 2024

Industrial food animal production exploits workers, poisons water sources, and promotes the transmission of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Is there a better way?

Community vs. Coal

Protesting coal dust and half-burned medical waste, South Baltimore residents lead the way on environmental health research.

Trillions of tiny plastic fragments have dispersed throughout the Earth—and most human bodies. It’s one example of how humans have disrupted natural systems with devastating consequences.

More CO2, Less Nutrition

Rising carbon levels are eroding nutritional values of staple crops, threatening millions with hidden hunger.

In New Orleans’ urban heat islands, too few green spaces, poverty, and inadequate cooling options make residents vulnerable to heat’s health risks.

From innovating ways to preserve glacial ice to predicting climate-driven migration shifts to building resilient cities, researchers are exploring scalable solutions to safeguard a planet in peril.


Readers respond to our reporting on aging in America and other stories from our Spring/Summer 2024 issue.