The choices we make today will determine whether we have a livable future.
>Planetary Health Innovations in Action
From satellites to revamped supply chains, creative solutions offer hope in a world full of challenges.
Readers respond to our reporting on aging in America and other stories from our Spring/Summer 2024 issue.
>How humans navigate a world out of balance.
>In New Orleans’ urban heat islands, too few green spaces, poverty, and inadequate cooling options make residents vulnerable to heat’s health risks.
>Trillions of tiny plastic fragments have dispersed throughout the Earth—and most human bodies. It’s one example of how humans have disrupted natural systems with devastating consequences.
>From innovating ways to preserve glacial ice to predicting climate-driven migration shifts to building resilient cities, researchers are exploring scalable solutions to safeguard a planet in peril.
>Community vs. Coal
Protesting coal dust and half-burned medical waste, South Baltimore residents lead the way on environmental health research.
>Biodiversity is one of the best defenses against many infectious diseases.
>“We need to be ambitious and speak uncomfortable truth to intransigent power,” says planetary health leader Tan Sri Jemilah Mahmood.