Spring 2006

The Center for Global Health provides a one-stop shop for Hopkins' international research and education efforts
In southern Zambia, scientists hunt the parasite and the mosquito that make malaria a fact of life and a persistent cause of death
Africa is developing its greatest resource—its people—to face its greatest challenge
Antiretroviral drugs can save lives, but can they solve Africa's AIDS epidemic?
Researcher Peter Winch finds positive trends in African Health
Across Africa, children under the age of 5 face a greater risk of death from pneumonia that from more commonly recognized diseases like malaria and AIDS.
A 2003 measles immunization campaign in Zambia was a success, but the measles virus is far from being eradicated.
Will a massive new oil pipeline project bring hope or harm to the impoverished country of Chad?
A Moral Imperative
PEPFAR should be improved and expanded, but first it must be continued.