Spring 2008

The Science of Moving Mountains
As a school of public health, we cannot afford not to talk about sex and its related controversial subjects.
When sperm meets egg, most people can guess the result. Janice Evans hopes discovering how and why will lead to better contraceptives and solutions to infertility.
One billion young people today are maturing emotionally, connecting socially and exploring their sexuality. To help them avoid risky behaviors, researchers first have to understand them.
Inside adolescent decision-making
Early marriage leads to early childbirth—and devastating physical consequences.
A timeline of sexual development
Culturally attuned messages delivered by peers may be the best way to stop HIV from surging among at-risk, "hidden" populations.
What happens when research and political agendas conflict?
Surging economic and technological development is changing Asian cultures—including young people's sexual mores.
For decades, Baltimore has struggled to contain swift-moving outbreaks of sexually transmitted infections, and scored some successes. Will creativity and new strategies be enough for the future?
About the only thing all sex workers have in common is their vulnerability. Living on societies' margins exposes them to violence, disease, and countless other risks. Here are four stories on how they are being helped.