Collections Summer 2018
The winning images of Dean Ellen J. MacKenzie's spring photo contest.
One hundred seventy-seven images of children and chefs, mothers and mosquito nets, keratins, classrooms, and more streamed in after Dean Ellen J. MacKenzie, PhD ’79, MSc ’75, announced a photo contest this spring. The mission: Share photos of the Bloomberg School’s diverse work. After an arduous evaluation by expert judges, these seven were selected to grace the walls of the dean’s office—certain to spark discussions.

“Keratins are Going Nuclear” by Justin Jacob,
PhD Candidate, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Recently discovered nuclear keratin proteins (red, green, and yellow where they overlap) play many roles within the cell nucleus (blue), such as gene expression, DNA repair, etc.

“Back Alley Baltimore” by Albert Wu, Professor, Health Policy and Management
Preschool classmates in Federal Hill offer a vivid reminder of youth and diversity’s role in a city’s well-being.

“Advocacy Field Trip, Gulu, Uganda, 2014” by Beth Fredrick, Senior Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
When Advance Family Planning and Reproductive Health Uganda visited a remote health center, a member of parliament offered these boys a bottle filled with ice—something they’d never seen.

“The Eyes that Remind” by Htet Nay Lin Oo, DrPH Candidate, International Health
During a trip to a community meeting in Uganda, these children surrounded my group. This picture reminds me of why I entered public health and our collective mission to save and improve lives.

“Family Spirit” by Ed Cunicelli, Center for American Indian Health
Kendrea Jackson, pictured with her son, works with the Family Spirit home-visiting program, which has reduced rates of maternal depression and substance abuse while boosting children’s social and emotional development.

“Hope” by Tania Jahan,
Project Manager, NGO Coordination, Center for Communication Programs
In August 2017, CCP visited Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh for the first time. As we walked a muddy road through this camp, I was struck by the hope and wonder in this family’s eyes.

“The Magic Worms” by Alicia Carter, Administrative Program Coordinator, Center for a
Livable Future
At the Food System Lab, an urban teaching farm operated by CLF at Baltimore’s Cylburn Arboretum, Maryland Food Bank’s FoodWorks culinary students make connections between food production and health.