Fall 2018

Then Comes Hope
In the face of the opioid crisis, rural counties in Maryland are relying on a regional source of strength: the durable bonds of community.
Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explains his priorities for WHO with International Health’s David Peters.
We must protect the health—and human rights—of those forced from their homes.
Purpose Found
My life as a Lost Boy gave me the experience and drive to help displaced people around the world.
Blood, Data and Tears
An oral history of the origins of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study.
Alma-Ata's Second Chance
The famous declaration’s 40th anniversary is an opportunity to truly deliver health for all.
Flood of Injustice
The latest health impact of a warming planet? Climate gentrification—the pricing of vulnerable populations out of their homes.
Residents of the Danger Zone
Minority and low-income neighborhoods face disproportionate risk from oil trains.
Valuing Culture
Victoria O’Keefe champions research and interventions that engage scholars and Native communities in a shared purpose.
2018 Bloomberg Fellows
This year’s class includes 7 DrPH and 22 MPH students.
Data on the Brain
Massive brain scan databases could lead to more precise diagnoses and more effective treatments.
Open Source
Is social media having a positive or negative impact on public health?
Dates + Deadlines, For the Win, Epi(c) Anniversary, Long-Term Yields
Talking Points
Learning to deliver key public health information on the spot and on message.
Crisis Averted
Identifying crises before they become emergencies.
Dangerous Drinking
Tackling the understudied problem of alcohol misuse in low-income countries.
Back Story
Humans still have a lot to learn about taking care of each other.
Far from home.