Summer 2019

Singled Out
Why does a virus leave one child paralyzed and others unscathed? Priya Duggal looks for clues in the human genome.
The rise of autonomous vehicles needs the public health perspective now—not later.
Raising the Bar for Science
A new initiative will fund faculty projects that combine basic and applied science.
Window of Opportunity
The prime time to teach suicide prevention may be earlier than you think.
Advocating for Better Maternal Health in the U.S. and Globally
CCP's Susan Krenn and Christy Turlington Burns discuss challenges and opportunities in global maternal health.
The Man Behind the Curtain
In a career spanning decades and continents, Henry Mosley quietly transformed the field of public health.
Rethinking: Minding the Gap
Focusing on race obscures the true drivers of cancer disparities.
The Accidental Gerontologist
Karen Bandeen-Roche uses statistical methods to identify biological signatures of resilience and frailty.
React & Respond
Digital Empowerment, Worth 1,000 Words
Outbreak 101
Students role-play a federal response to a pandemic.
Baby's First Bacteria
Mothers’ microbes may influence the health of babies’ microbiomes.
A Vicious Circle
The interplay of poverty and NCDs in low- and middle-income countries.
Dates + Deadlines
Healthy Eating, Healthy Breathing
Another benefit of eating the rainbow: better lung function.
Collections Summer 2019
It started with the purchase of the 1895 tome Malaria Fevers of Baltimore at New York City’s Argosy Book Store in 2014.
What It's All About
Resilience, individual to global, is at the core of the public health mission.